Instrument Repair
Repaired and set-up by Will Parsons
I began learning to build and repair instruments around the age of 14. My father, a self-trained luthier, taught me a lot of the trade. At age 16, I began an apprenticeship at the local music repair shop in Saint Albans, West Virginia called the "Fret & Fiddle." Jerry Collyard was the in-house repairman and luthier. I learned an extensive amount during the ensuing 2 years that I spent there. Many others have had a hand in my education but these are the primary influences. The shop of the 144 does the full range of stringed instrument repair work. Any day will commonly find neck resets, refretting jobs, crack repairs, bridge repairs, and a host of others. Our prices are competitive and the work is exceptional. Feel free to contact us to discuss instrument problems and estimates of costs for repair!